Talk: When Engineers Work With Artists

A talk with the MakerLab engineer team on the topic of data technology, smart device systems (IoT) and the application of these technologies in some notable art projects.


Sunday, 03.12.2023


Google Meet




In the talk “When Engineers work with artists”, listen and discuss with MakerLab engineer team about data technology, smart device systems (IoT) and the application of these technologies in artistic practices.

The talk will focus on Data Visualisation, AI/Machine Learning, and IoT. Through notable examples of technology application in art projects such as “Ground Resistance” (Wesley Goatley & Georgina Voss, 2016) and “And They Die a Natural Death” (Nguyễn Trinh Thi, 2022), the event will offer artists and engineers necessary tools and keywords to assist their collaboration process for art.


Speaker: Hoàng Phạm Gia Khang
Hoang Pham Gia Khang is Manager at MakerLab.VN Innovation Space, author of the book “Ardunio Handbook” (Thanh Nien Publishing House, 2022), member of the coordination team of the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Initiative Program at High School for the Gifted VNU – HCM. As a technology engineer who loves art, Khang participated in the work “And They Die a Natural Death” (Nguyen Trinh Thi, 2022) as an Internet of Things Engineer.
Moderator: Nguyễn Tú Hằng
Nguyễn Tú Hằng is Managing Partner at Hanoi Grapevine – a leading platform for supporting artists’ ecosystem, and has been engaging in communication consulting and research with different roles in various cultural projects. Nguyễn Tú Hằng holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Management from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (Japan) and a Master’s degree in International Business and East Asia Studies from Sogang University (South Korea). In 2020-2023, Hằng was the Curator of Education at Vincom Center for Contemporary Art (VCCA). In 2023, Hằng co-founded ddur.production, an open collective providing special assistance for exhibition projects.

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Artboard 10
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Sunday, 03.12.2023


Google Meet

